Friday, August 3, 2007

Beat the Heat with Blueberries!

I did! Last night Mitch and I trekked off in the air-conditioned Vibe (yes, I love this car!) and drove out to Richmond, Vermont. We watched the temperature drop from 95 at 5 pm in Burlington to a cool 87 in Richmond as we approached our destination of Owls Head Farm. This was a night that made life worth all the effort.
The Gordon Stone Band was playing above the blueberry groves and the joyous music (extra joyous on this night as Gordon was just reunited with his banjo that had been stolen earlier in the summer) echoed through the groves, reverberating off the mountains, and back into my heart and soul. All the while Mitch and I skipped through the groves picking blueberries with the waning sun shining on our skin, making life and being alive a truly beautiful Green Mountain experience.
We picked 6 quarts of blueberries and lounged on a blanket listening to the music and enjoying fellow Vermonters and each other, all while keeping cool on a hot summer evening. And with all those blueberries??? I am going to make blueberry crisp to my 7th grade home economics apple crisp recipe - it is!!!

Blueberry Crisp:

3 cups of blueberries
1/2 cup of flour
3/4 cup of packed brown sugar
1/2 cup of uncooked oatmeal
2/3 cup of margarine/butter (softened)
3/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
graham cracker crust pie plate

Put blueberries in crust, Combine remaining ingredients and sprinkle over blueberries, bake at 375 - 30 minutes


Anonymous said...

The Blueberries and music were a wonderful combo! I really enjoyed the atmosphere of being out in the country, listening to great music, and enjoying the fruits of our labor!

Anonymous said...

Too bad you couldn't be there at 6 in the morning when the cannons begin going off to frighten the wildlife and wake the neighbors.

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